In this episode, Malcolm Peralty and I discuss what I’ve been up to the past year and what some of my plans are for WP Mainline. We also talk about Automattic’s acquisition of Pocket Casts, a critical security vulnerability discovered in WooCommerce, and how I solved a pesky JSON error in the block editor.
After listening to this episode, I’ll have to mess around with my pop filter and how far away I am from the microphone. I noticed a lot of pops and my levels were pretty high. I apologize and will work on that for the next episode.
- Critical Vulnerability Detected in WooCommerce on July 13, 2021 – What You Need to Know
- Podcast app Pocket Casts acquired by WordPress․com owner Automattic
- WordPress Acquisitions and Investments
- WordPress 5.8 Release Candidate 4
- WordPress 5.8 Beta 1
- The Case of the Updating Failed JSON Error – Chapter 3
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— And then you end up with a broken WooCommerce store and you have to kind of roll back
and you have to upgrade to the, um, patched sub version that they’ve released. So let’s say
you’re on like or They released a four dot four dot two. But if you
click upgrade and we’re in like WordPress’s administration panel, that you’re going to upgrade to, um, there’s no like version selector built into WordPress to let you like pick and
choose which point release you want to upgrade to. Um, and so that could mean like a lot of
people aren’t necessarily just dealing with upgrades. They’re also dealing maybe with critical,
um, issues now on their sites because you know, the plugins or add-ons for e-commerce that
they were using might not be working the same way. And it shouldn’t be that way because this
vulnerability was a specific patch by itself. So this code would be fairly safe to go ahead and
upgrade to. Um, but yeah, just double check everything before you upgrade maybe on a staging
site or something and, but get it done quickly. But
Speaker 1 00:05:33 What have we learned in the past about security updates and
WordPress, it should work should, it should work most of the time. It does. Most of the time
everything works, but then there are those times where things are broken or plugins don’t work
or something is broken in WordPress that the security patch probably should have had no
reason to affect, but yet it did. Yeah. So do you have a, do you have like a staging site or
whatever set up for, for client sites, whatever, and you you’re messing around on there. I mean,
obviously you got to do that because doing anything on a live site is just ask us to trouble,
Speaker 2 00:06:10 Especially a lot e-commerce site. Right. It gets to be very complicated at
that point. So yeah. We typically downtime
Speaker 1 00:06:16 Equals big time loss of revenue. Yeah.
Speaker 2 00:06:19 Yeah. We’ll close. We’ll clone. The live site we’ll update it. We’ll like
typically create like a test product that we can go through the entire like purchasing process with,
um, and like use a, you know, a lot of things like Stripe and other services give you like, um, like
staging or test site, uh, API connections. So you can run fake transactions, but make sure
everything’s working correctly. And so we’ll set that all up and it’s a little bit, a little bit more
involved than just clicking update in WordPress.
Speaker 1 00:06:44 So, so, so again, if you haven’t already, double-check make sure get
those WooCommerce sites upgraded. Um, so automatic has stepped into the podcast game.
Actually, they haven’t really stepped in. They, uh, ex was it earlier this year? It was either earlier
this year or last year they acquired a, uh, a company that actually can turn your blog posts into
podcasts. Right. But today the news came out that a podcast app packet cast has been
acquired, uh, by WordPress. Um, oh, not by WordPress, but automatic, the parent company of
calm. Yeah. Well boy, look, I just, I just did something that I ridicule all other news agencies do a
welcome betcha. You stepped in a big time now. Ah, yeah. Yeah.
Speaker 2 00:07:34 I mean this, this announcement, uh, and we’ll kind of go into this a little
bit in more detail going forward, but, um, I don’t know how I feel about them kind of stretching
beyond, you know, WordPress centric stuff. Right. I get that they want to get into the audio
space, but how long until, you know, they acquire like a small video side or, um, you know, other
things in the space to try to kind of extend their tendrils out into, um, more different like
multimedia avenues. I had never heard of this app before. I don’t know about you.
Speaker 1 00:08:08 It it’s, it’s funny at one point I’m like pocket cast, packer cast, what is it?
And then, and then as I was reading the article, I’m like, man, I can’t remember using it. And I
looked at my iPhone, oh, I have it installed on my iPhone. And I remembered that the last time I
used packet cast, uh, it was suggested to me, uh, by a couple of folks last year when I was
having issues or not last year, but when I was doing the WordPress weekly podcast, I was
experiencing problems and I was trying to diagnose them and I was using the pocket cast app.
So I haven’t, the app has been here on my phone, but I haven’t used it in like three years.
Speaker 2 00:08:40 Yeah. And I can see where —- there’s synergies between like the day one journaling app and like their, all of the stuff that
they’re doing in terms of like converting blog posts into podcasts. I can see the synergies, but
it’s, it’s still kind of a weird acquisition. Don’t you think?
Speaker 1 00:08:54 I, most of the time, automatic acquires these companies that I’ve never
heard of. And I’m, I think they’re all weird, but you know, some, at some point there’s, there’s
synergies, there’s, there’s something there, whether it’s the founders, whether it’s the
employees, there’s something that they acquire that makes sense or else they wouldn’t have
done it, I suppose.
Speaker 2 00:09:13 That’s true. I just don’t know that we needed them to buy some kind of
second tier second rate podcast management app for mobile devices. I don’t know. I guess we’ll
have to wait and see what they do with it.
Speaker 1 00:09:25 Um, but as in the announcement, automatic, uh, in the post says that
packet cast will continue to provide you with the features needed to until your favorite podcast or
find something new. Uh, they’re going to work on, um, building deep integrations with, making it easier to distribute and listen to podcasts. And the co-founders
Russell, Ivan, Nick and Phillip Simpson will continue to leave pocket cast as part of automatic.
So it’s very good that you’re staying on board to work with the product, but you know, when
these acquisitions happen, you got to give it a year. Maybe you got to give a year and a half. I
don’t get excited anymore when automatic acquires a company or, uh, you know, especially
when it relates to a mobile app or something, because what happens is, uh, you know, they’ll
say that people are staying on board and they say that they’re going to leave the product alone.
But it just seems like over time, people move on, people associated with the product, get into
other teams, they start doing other things because, you know, what’s, what’s the point. They no
longer have to focus on that. One thing that they started, that they built that project and
sometimes the product gets forgotten about, or it’s on the side. And so you really got to give
these acquisitions time. No, but a year or two. And, and then kind of look back and say, Hmm,
was that a good idea? I don’t know.
Speaker 2 00:10:45 Yeah. And speaking of acquisitions, I mean, that kind of leads into our
next thing to talk about, which is a post status has actually released a list of acquisitions. And of
course it’s only the big ones. I mean, it doesn’t list like every acquisition in the WordPress space
ever, but it lists a lot of the bigger ones. And I mean, you’re right. If you actually go to this list
and like, look at some of the products that automatic has acquired, especially kind of in that
early to mid days, um, you will kind of scratch your head because a lot of these don’t exist
anymore. A lot of them, um, are gone or dead or dying or, you know, otherwise kind of forgotten
about, and it’s
Speaker 1 00:11:24 This acquisition list I know exactly who was responsible for this. Mr.
David Bisset, uh, he’s over there. He’s one of the content producers, content managers for post
status. And he’s been joking. I thought it was just kind of a joke he was doing about base since
last acquisition. But here they’re doing a whole big thing now and post, which is
actually pretty cool to have sort of this list of acquisitions. And if you go back, like you said, back
in the day, and we’re talking 2007, 2008, uh, someone sent me to the days of the whole
WordPress scene, but you got Gravatar, that’s still around a pole, daddy. They’re still around
with they’ve, they’ve rebranded to a different name, pole, something intends to bait. That was
their big kind of third-party comma team platform that’s actually store around. But you don’t see,
it’s kind of in the background, very low key, uh, buddy press.
Speaker 1 00:12:17 That’s still alive doing well after the deadline that kind of hit the kibosh.
There’s not really anything going on with, after the deadline. And then you get into like blogs
and, and Blinky code garage, some of the other stuff’s Imperium simple note. I think that’s still
going around, um, long read, scroll kit, creative market theme. Oh, wait a minute. I’m sorry. I’m
starting to name things that weren’t acquired by automatic. There’s a, there’s a list of different
WordPress companies in here that have d —- one different acquisitions. My bad. It does. It does bring up a good point though. Like how
much should
Speaker 2 00:12:53 Automatic be purchasing in the WordPress space? Right. Like I get that
there are founders that probably are looking for exits, but I mean, will WordPress kind of
become, you know, synonymous with automatic? Um, will we see,
Speaker 1 00:13:09 Wait, wait, wait, what’s the question you just asked, will
Speaker 2 00:13:12 We see WordPress becomes synonymous with automatic
Speaker 1 00:13:17 Already the case. And I think, I think that’s kind of already a thing has
been a thing. I don’t know that it,
Speaker 2 00:13:24 Well, I think there are a group of people that don’t necessarily feel or
see it that way. Um, and I think that if it was that way, we wouldn’t see as much investment from
like liquid web and GoDaddy. And some of these other organizations trying to kind of carve out
their own like acquisition portfolio or grow their own, um, you know, inroads into WordPress.
Speaker 1 00:13:46 But I mean, I mean,
Speaker 2 00:13:47 If eventually we might get to the point where it’s automatic, uh, liquid
web, uh, GoDaddy, and maybe one or two other companies that really kind of own the bulk of
the business of WordPress. And that’s kind of weird to me, that’s kind of scary in a way,
Speaker 1 00:14:02 Follow the money who has the money, the web hosts. And who’s at the
top of the food chain when it comes to WordPress web host, because without the web host, you
can’t do anything with WordPress.
Speaker 2 00:14:13 Yeah. And isn’t that the truth, right? I mean, that is kind of claim to fame. I mean, they have like WordPress hosting, quote unquote at
every kind of price level. So, you know, from entry-level all the way up to, um, you know, major
corporations that are using, um, automatics platform,
Speaker 1 00:14:29 The whole WordPress VIP experience, they have a whole VIP platform.
I wonder how they’re, uh, I think it was the business class or business type service where they
actually allowed certain plugins to be used on purpose, like how you can actually upload or
install certain plugins to site. I think it was part of their business plan. I wonder
how that’s been doing for them.
Speaker 2 00:14:49 And I mean, even, even above that press VIP has, has pretty much
always had that. And the only requirement was you didn’t have to pick from a specific list, but
instead you had to pay for automatic to like do a code audit to make sure that the plugin was
good enough to be on their platform and wasn’t going to wreck the user experience or the server
issues or whatever. Right. So, I mean, I’m not surprised that they’re allowing that to kind of
slowly filter down to some lower levels because plug-ins are one of the big things that people
love. And it’s so funny because forever in we’ve been saying, oh yeah, is great, except you can install plugins and you only have a select set of themes
you can pick from, and that is soon not going to be the case at all. And so that, that blurred blind,
that we’ve always had to be able to help people understand the difference between,, Mike kind of disappear.
Speaker 1 00:15:39 And speaking of acquisitions and plugins, if you take a look at a
company like awesome motive, I said, bulky, they’ve got a whole portfolio now of plugins that
they’ve acquired. Um, and there’s a couple of other folks out there who also are starting to build
up their portfolio of various WordPress plugins. And in fact, there’s a service that was launched,
uh, very recently that is all about helping people acquire things in the WordPress space. I can’t
think of the name of it off the top of my head, but, uh, uh, it’s, it’s there and it exists, uh, uh,
acquiring, you know, that’s what I gotta do. I gotta, I gotta build up every P mainland to get
acquired again. The, I should go down that road again. Yeah. But, uh, yeah. So we’ll have to see
what happens. A tumbler still around tumbler. Hasn’t gone down the wayside and they were
acquired by automatic.
Speaker 1 00:16:33 So that’s a good sign. I mean, and most of it, most of the, most of the
products and services automatic has acquired recently, I’d say within the past three or four
years, they’re still doing pretty good. I agree. Yep. So we’re press 5.8 release candidate four —- was released the other day. The tentative released date for WordPress 5.8 is July 20th, 2021.
And I gotta be honest with you. I have no idea what features are in WordPress. Five 20. I’ve
been so busy with my head, stuck up. WordPress is trying to figure out WP mainline and trying
to get the site work in. I’ve dealt with bugs, I’ve dealt with issues. I’ve, I’ve written a couple of
things I’m trying to get this membership thing underway. And every time I think I have it figured
out, Nope, something else comes along or I think about doing something else.
Speaker 1 00:17:21 I have no idea what isn’t WordPress 5.8. However, I do know that it’s
expected to be released July 20th. So you should be prepared. There is a blog post that you can
look up on WordPress at org, the WordPress 5.8 beta one post that actually has a good outline
of what to expect. And what does 5.8? And of course you’ve got things dealing with blocks, block
patterns, um, support for internet Explorer will be ending this year in WordPress. Uh, this release
will be kind of the first stages of that by by internet Explorer. You know, I never used the new net
Explorer. It came with, came with windows. If the only time I ever used it was when all the other
browsers I had stopped working. I was trying to troubleshoot, troubleshoot something. Yeah.
Speaker 2 00:18:05 I don’t know how I feel about 5.8 yet. I, uh, I’m a little bit concerned
about the whole full site editing in Gutenberg thing. I, I know a lot of developers who, you know,
know that Gutenberg is the future. They are excited about Gutenberg’s future, but they just
shake their heads. Actually, I talked to one today who was just like,
Speaker 1 00:18:22 Why didn’t they develop Gutenberg to be mobile
Speaker 2 00:18:25 First, like mobile responsive. First, every time I want to do something in
Gutenberg, I have to like reinvent the wheel for responsive blocks and stuff like that. And he’s
just so frustrated and that’s not the way it should be. And so then we extend that to full site
editing and like, you know, the blurring of the lines between widgets and blocks. And I dunno, I
just, I’m a little, I’m a little confused about this. I’m looking forward to seeing it mature, but right
now we’re at that awkward teenage point for, uh, or maybe even preteen point for Gutenberg, in
my opinion.
Speaker 1 00:18:55 And that’s after Gutenberg has been worked on for at least what five
years now, four or five years, I think, I think it’s been about that long, but you mentioned a big
time feature. That’s coming to WordPress five point that is blacks and the widget area. So
people will be able to use any block in your themes, widget areas, using the all new widget
screen and updated customizer. Now existing third-party widgets should continue to work via the
legacy widget block. And if you’re not ready for the full switch, you can use the classic widgets
plugin. Oh my goodness. And themes to call on a specific function. It’s widgets black editor to,
uh, I guess use the old screen, use the old UI. So as they’re trying to rebuild the ship of Theseus
or whatever, that the same one as a that’s, you know, reinventing WordPress as is without
building something new, this is their way to basically it’s black editor and classic editor thing all
over again. But now with widgets,
Speaker 2 00:19:55 You know, I still have like one or two clients that are using the classic
editor. And I, I tell them all the time, you’d know this is going to be deprecated at some point,
right? They are going to force you to learn how to use Gutenberg blocks. Like they’re going to
stop maintaining this classic editor plugin. At some point you should probably switch or like, Hey,
you know, that new functionality or feature you want, it’s now only like available as a Gutenberg
block or something like that. Right. I’ve been working so hard to try to get them off to the classic
editor plugin. And now they come along with the classic widget thing. And I’m just like, okay, at
least, at least this is not as user facing as the classic editor, but it’s just like, can we not move
away from these horrible classic whatever plugins and just, you know, if you want to stick with
the old classic thing, maybe you find non WordPress CMS to run
Speaker 1 00:20:47 It. I know exactly what you do migrate to classic press. So everything is
classic. There you
Speaker 2 00:20:53 Go. It’s built in all the time. Cl —- assic. Exactly.
Speaker 1 00:20:55 See man, we’re on top of things here at classic process, still kicking.
They’re still doing that. And the last time I checked, I was checking out their plugin directory.
They’ve got about somewhere around a hundred, maybe a little over a hundred plugins on their
plugin directory for classic press. Uh, so and ethicacy, I think classic press existing is a good
thing. I think, uh, as long as the maintainers keep it around, I mean, I think it fits a niche and this
niche for a, for a subset of people. And, and when it comes to the Gutenberg, the black editor, a
tremendous amount of work has been done on the black editor. It is not as horrible and as
terrible as you might see the reviews on a WordPress site or directory for the plugin plugin, it’s
nowhere near like that. I mean, when it works, it works. It’s cool. You know, it actually has a nice
flow, but through those times when it doesn’t work, which I could talk about in an instance that I
ran into it’s.
Speaker 1 00:21:57 Uh, but, uh, yeah. Yeah. So are you using full site editing? Widgets are
using plastic widgets. That’s a question now you’re going to have to be asking and if you’re a
plugin developer, oh. Or maybe even, well, I’d say plugin developer, because usually plugin or
widgets are dealing with plugins, not so much themes, but, but yeah. I mean, we’re going to get
to the point. I mean, when they say full site editing and I haven’t looked into it that deeply, I, the
first thing I think of, well, okay, I’m going to be able to use blocks everywhere on the site. There’s
not going to be any limitation, snap bar, a block sidebar, a block content is a blind photos, a
block block here, black there blocks everywhere. I mean, that’s, that’s what I think of as we’ll say
Speaker 2 00:22:47 Yeah. But it’s creating a new, interesting problem, right? Because block
patterns and like custom blocks related to themes are going to become the new locked in some
blocks, right? Like you’re going to build out this beautiful site using this block plugin you found,
right? Like, you know, there, there are hundreds of them already. And then one day you’re going
to want to change themes or you’re going to want to get to, you know, change plugins maybe
because they stopped supporting it. Maybe because they go in a direction you don’t like, and
you’re going to switch plugins. You’re gonna switch teams and everything is going to be ugly and
broken and stupid. And you’re going to go, this is just like back when I turned off like divvy or
switched away from WP bakery or whatever. Like it’s just going to be that exact same
experience all over again.
Speaker 1 00:23:29 Uh, we I’m just because I’ve been around WordPress for so long. It, it, I
got the feels, man. I got, then that makes it, yeah, I got the fields. Cause you know, it’s like, all
right, I built all this stuff, but if I click the activate, oh no. And I always see a short code or the
functionality is gone or man, I can’t have what I want because I relied on that plugin or theme.
Yep. And not now it’s going to be like, well, I relied on that block, but you can’t have that block. If
you can remove this black pattern plugin or something to that effect. Exactly. Same problem,
different ingredients, the WordPress story in a nutshell. Uh, uh, so speaking of the black editor, I
just kind of wanted to bring this up a little bit, but I’ve, I’ve with WP mainline. It’s a relatively
fresh, well, it’s a year old, but in terms of content, it’s fresh.
Speaker 1 00:24:22 It’s pretty much a new WordPress install. And I’ve been tinkering around
with a bunch of things. But I ran into a problem where I was just writing content, simple content
in terms of a couple paragraph blacks. But then I was writing the post where I wanted to embed
a get hub just that somebody had provided. So what you do is just go to get hub, you get their
page, they have the embed code that you can copy and then you can put it into a custom HTML
block. And when I would do that and click save, I would see this air at the top of the blackhead.
And it says failed to save, uh, updating failed Jason air. Now I have no idea what that means.
No, I’m just trying to write a post, uh, what the hell is going on here? So my first thought was,
okay, the black editor, here we go again.
Speaker 1 00:25:10 Something’s broke. The black editor sucks. You know, what am I going
to do about this? So I started —- ve a Jason here, it could very well, you know, this is, this is a possibility, this is not an option.
In fact, in my research, there are quite a few, there’s a history of cloud security services like
CloudFlare and their, their, um, their firewall, their WAF, triggering issues, just normal functions.
You know, whether it mostly JavaScript related because there’s a lot of JavaScript of all the
Gutenberg where things just stopped or an auto save is blocked or certain code is blocked. Or if
you’re trying to do something within a block, that code is blocked and you ended up just seeing
the Jason, Aaron. No, it, it, it really sucks for the user at that point because it’s a stop sign.
There’s no, it’s up to you to figure out what to do from there on out, you know, WordPress is, and
I help you.
Speaker 2 00:34:08 Yeah. And hopefully you have a good host that can, and I absolutely
Speaker 1 00:34:11 Do. And when it got, when it got, uh, up the chain of the time and he’s
like, oh, let me just do this. And as soon as he, um, turned off the Gutenberg save feature, and
then he wait-listed, my IP things started working again. I’m like, oh, this is so great because you
know, Hey, all I want to do is embed something using a block. Why do I get this error? You know,
it shouldn’t be this way, but no, it’s just the way CloudFlare works. And Tom’s one of those guys.
He thinks that because this is a default role, like in the Owasso rule set for CloudFlare, for their
premium thing, he thinks that maybe there’s a, there’s a way that we’re pressed could solve the
issue, by the way it’s doing auto saves or something to that effect where it doesn’t trigger that
rule. Interesting thought. Ah, alright. So that pretty much covers what’s been going on here. Oh,
really? We covered
Speaker 2 00:35:04 The entire year of news and this one episode. No,
Speaker 1 00:35:06 No, no, just what’s been going on lately, but I just want to talk a little bit
about, you know, I been so long since people have heard my voice. It’s been so long since I’ve
talked to a microphone has been so long since I’ve seen you, who has no hair, but we’re not
going to go into that. But, um, so I’ve got WP mainline up and going. I, my initial plan is to turn it
into a membership site or a subscription site. Uh I’m I’m working on that right now. I’ve got some
people that are rooting for me. They’re cheering me on there to help me, Jason Coleman of pain
membership pro he’s. He’s been awesome. He’s been walking me through some things and
trying to get things set up. And I, I just don’t know. I, I think I had things figured out in terms of
how I want to cite the role, but then I don’t, like at first I was thinking about setting up
membership, subscriber roles, and then those subscribers would have access to exclusive
content, whether that be an after show, WP mainline or exclusive exclusive blog posts.
Speaker 1 00:36:02 But then I started thinking about like, you know, what the hell am I going
to write a, what am I going to say or do that’s exclusive content. I want that stuff to be in front of
as many people. And I want the show to be as less listened to by as many people as possible.
So I’m like, well, I can either the option I could do there is just turn the whole site into a
subscription only type of site. That way kind of everything is exclusive if you thought about it.
And that way I don’t have to worry about doing these extra special little things. I could just create
content, just do my thing. And I don’t have to do any of these special content thing. So I’m, I’m
working with that. I don’t know which way to go here with what subscribers and members and,
uh, I just need funding. I need money and then I need the money so I could produce content.
Then I can have a job. And then we could just all be happy.
Speaker 2 00:36:53 Yeah, I completely understand. And I think that, you know, I, I think that
in some ways you’re overthinking it. Yeah. You have a lot of people that really want to see you
succeed. I think that you just need to kind of put it out there, see what sticks be ready to change
on a dime. If it’s not working the way you hope it will, but give things a little bit time to breathe. I
mean, you got this, we’re all here for you, man. You, you,
Speaker 1 00:37:13 You can do this. I can do it. Hey, it’s kind of like, I would not, I would be
remiss to not mention that. I feel a bit, like I mentioned this on Twitter. I —- feel a bit like Brian Crowe’s guide when he launched post status back in 2013, because at
that time I was fully employed under Matt for WP Tavern. I had a job at, uh, I was working, I was
writing and there he was doing something independent, launching his own thing, having an
independent voice. And then two years later he launched a post status membership club. And
there was a lot of people that were cheering him on. I saw how the community responded to him
and he did an awesome job. The guy’s a smart chap. He did a lot of things that I wish I could
have did with, uh, him and Ryan email from way back in the day.
Speaker 1 00:37:59 Ryan was a smart dude too, uh, with, uh, uh, well, um, how many out
themed WP? Uh, no. Cause he did the quarterly, which was to print magazine. That was
awesome. I still have the one and only issue pretty much in pristine condition behind me. Uh,
but, uh, but yeah, I, I’m kind of going down the route of, uh, Brian Crowe’s guard here and you
know, I’ve been told that that’s not a bad path to go down, so I’m working on it hopefully by next
week, you know, I can open up the site. Uh, it started getting some rolling in and just kind of get
back to writing and pocking because that’s what people have missed the most about my
absence from, uh, WP weekly and the Tavern. And so that’s why I need to get going. I need to
start doing that again. Yeah, for sure. So I want you to just come back.
Speaker 2 00:38:55 I want a daily podcast, a weekly podcast, a monthly podcast that the
after hours one, the, uh, TA like a main line at night, uh, or after dark or whatever I want, uh,
Speaker 1 00:39:10 Just more content. So you want me to be Justin that TV just dropped the
camera on my head and keep a microphone
Speaker 2 00:39:19 By your face just twenty four seven and just like relate everything back
to WordPress. You know, you go watch the trains and you’re like that one reminds me of this
Gutenberg block,
Speaker 1 00:39:27 Strange filled with graffiti. So that looks like a client’s dashboard. That
sounds good. Good. I could do that. I could do that. All right. So the plan is to start doing this
show, once again, every Friday, there’ll be three main lane podcasts. We’re going to start out
with that for now. Um, you and John James Jacoby are gonna share co-hosting duties. So if
one’s not available or if I want to switch it up, that’s cool. You guys both add different flavors to
the show and I really appreciate it. And other than that, oh, I want to give a shout out to cast dos
who has graciously provided me sponsorship in terms of they’ve given me a pro-level or a paid
account for podcast hosting for this show and any additional shows I decide to do there in
Castile’s. It’s really cool. Once you set it up, it’s integration with WordPress and their hosting and
the additional add ons they have, it’s pretty slick.
Speaker 1 00:40:24 And in fact, congratulations to cast dos and the folks over there, uh,
because they recently got a, almost like 800 grand worth of funding. Wow. So there’ll be, there’ll
be sticking around here for a little while. Of course, paid membership pro I’ve already mentioned
awesome group of folks over there and fees you my host for WP mainland. Thanks a lot for
sticking with me and for not thinking I’m an annoying customer because I’m opening up support
tickets and asking why isn’t this working? Why isn’t that working? And they actually just helped
me the other day. I had a, uh, issues with redirection code with the cast dose, where people
were trying to download the MP3 files and it was showing up as a 4 0 4 error. So they ended up
having to get rid of like light like X PPD or whatever it is, uh, install engine ax put in some
security rules or not security rules, but redirection rules and bam, it’s all fixed. They fixed it for
me. So it was really cool. So now I have working downloads for the podcast. Nice. So now you
can listen to it and by the way, by the end of today and throughout this weekend, because I
forgot to do this last year, uh, the podcast should be available, subscribe to on iTunes, and I’m
going to work on getting it to some other distribution channels as well. There’s always work to do
when you’re a solopreneur, for sure. Um, other than that, anything on your end? No, I’m just,
Speaker 2 00:41:49 I’m glad to be back and glad to be able to help. And if anyone has any
questions or things that they think we should cove —- r, make sure you, uh, reach out to, uh, to Jeff at the WP main line, a Twitter account and let
them know about the stories we should cover. And I look forward to covering them all.
Speaker 1 00:42:07 Absolutely. So that’s going to do it for this week’s edition of WP mainline.
You can find show notes for this episode and all previous episodes, WP In fact, all
you gotta do is visit the site, click on the podcast link and the show notes post and the players
and everything you need to know will be right there. Easy access. You can follow WP mainline
on Twitter at WP mainline, of course. And how about you?
Speaker 2 00:42:32 If you want to follow me, I’m at find purpose on Twitter and, uh, my
company has press Titan and I’m also working with, uh, Cambra creative. So
Speaker 1 00:42:41 You can reach me there. Nice. And I’m still trying to find purpose, man.
We’re always trying to find purpose. That’s the goal. Yeah. So until next week, everybody have a
safe, enjoyable weekend. Everybody hope you enjoy this episode of me being back. I hope you
enjoy hearing my voice and, uh, we’ll be back again to do it again next week. So long everybody