Marcel Bootsman asked a question on Twitter that takes me back to the day I chose WordPress. He asks, “Why did you start to use WordPress?”
Back in the day, I was a faithful user of Mambo and then Joomla. At one point, I decided to create a website to review all of the services and tools that were being released during the Web 2.0 era and I wanted people to be able to comment on the reviews. Unfortunately, Joomla didn’t have the ability to comment as a native feature which is what led me to WordPress.
However, after using and trying to manipulate WordPress the first time around, I ditched it and went back to Joomla. But I really wanted to have the ability for people to comment on my site, so I gave WordPress a second look. That’s when I became hooked and never looked back.
Check out the other responses to Marcel’s question.
So what got you to start using WordPress? Was it one thing or multiple?
For me it was two things. Before WP I had been building sites by hand, and making rudimentary content management systems, and often even using phpMyAdmin as the CMS.
When 3.0 came out and custom post types became a thing I was IMMEDIATELY sold. The added benefit of a user management system and content management admin area were frosting.
Ahh, you’re part of the Custom Post Types group. I remember when CTP were rolled out to WordPress and how hyped so many developers were for it. Many of them considered it a game-changer. Meanwhile, it took me about 2 years before I finally understood what Custom Post Types were.